The Perfect Balance 
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REI + KI (pronounced ray-key) = spiritually guided life force energy. The word REI can be interpreted as Universal, but a much deeper meaning is spiritual consciousness (the wisdom that comes from our higher self) KI is the Life Force.  

When receiving reiki, the client is in charge of the session through direct work with their own innate wisdom. Through a simple laying on of hands by the practitioner this wonderful relaxing energy is released to the recipient. The practitioner works on the major energy centers of the body (chakras). The energy is transferred and allows the individual to relax and perhaps fall asleep. The client lies fully clothed on a massage table. When the session is complete, some clients report a lightness to their body. Others report feeling grounded and balanced.  ...“a weight has been lifted.” To truly understand the benefits of reiki, one must personally experience it.

Benefits of a Reiki Session:
Reiki has many benefits for the body, mind, & spirit:

  • Allows deep relaxation to occur
  • Accelerates physical, mental,& emotional healing
  • Improves energy
  • Relieves pain
  • Clears toxins
  • Promotes creativity
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Balances energy centers
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Stress release
  • Improves clarity

Each reiki session is individual to the client’s needs. However, there are some common generalities that clients experience during a reiki session

  • Client lays fully clothed on a comfortable surface
  • Practitioner applies hands on healing technique
  • Client becomes deeply relaxed and may fall asleep during session
  • Helps with emotional stress
  • Empowers

Did you know?
Reiki is a great adjunct to alternative health care (chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy) as well as mainstream medicine.  Reiki is offered in many
hospitals and hospices today. Regular reiki treatment can
decrease stress & improve energy






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